Alphabetical order:
ВАТ "Родовід Банк"
Branch name:
Сайт для Родовід Банку 2007
Родовид Банк является универсальным кредитно-финансовым учреждением, ориентированным на осуществление комплексного банковского обслуживания украинских и иностранных юридических и физических лиц согласно действующему законодательству Украины.
Для предоставления актуальных новостей, информации и данных о деятельности Родовид Банка, организации обмена информацией между клиентами и банком специалистами компании «Finport Technologies» был создан Интернет сайт банка.
Сайт содержит всю необходимую информацию о деятельности банке, структура банка, различные банковские программы, отчетность и много другого.
Кроме информации на сайте также содержится On-Line калькулятор, который поможет Вам просчитать необходимые суммы платежей по кредитам, депозитам или обмену валют.
С помощью сайта можно также оформить: заявку на получение платежной карточки; на проведения интервью со служащими банка; оформить подписку на новости банка, а также задать интересующий Вас вопрос служащему банка в On-Line режиме.
При необходимости посетителя сайта найти отделение банка или банкомат в интересующем его регионе можно воспользоваться разделом «Сеть учреждений». В данном разделе находиться графическое изображение карты Украины. При нажатии на интересующую посетителя область или город на карте происходит переход на текстовый раздел с информацией о филиалах банка в этом регионе.
Aval Bank
Branch name:
Системы для "Информационного центра поддержки клиентов МСБ" 2008
Для автоматизації централізованого розподілу зустрічей по менеджерам регіональної мережі «Райффайзен Банк Аваль» спеціалістами компаній Finport Technologies було створено систему планування робочого дня менеджера. Даний програмний продукт забезпечує виконання наступних завдань: Операторами МСБ банку: введення інформації щодо запланованого часу та дати зустрічі з клієнтом; призначення менеджера для проведення запланованої зустрічі; перенесення зустрічі на інший час/дату; перегляд інформації про календар зустрічей кожного менеджеру на поточний період; перегляд інформації по запланованим/активним/проведеним зустрічам для кожного менеджеру банку та іншу. Менеджерами МСБ банку: перегляд статистичної інформації щодо зустрічей в розрізі дирекцій банку; введення інформації про індивідуальну зайнятість менеджерів; акцептувати заплановані оператором зустрічі; вносити значення про результати зустрічі; отримання на поштову адресу повідомлення про призначення зустрічі; перегляд інформації щодо особистого календаря на поточний період.
New Intranet portal for “Aval” Bank is in creation 2006
The already existing Intranet development has ceased to correspond the recent requirements established for the similar systems, and in the course of time has become out-of-date. Now Finport Technologies professionals have a task to create a new, mostly convenient tool for internal communications. Besides, the portal must become a common infomedia for all bank employees.
Branch name:
«Web-Observer» System Applied In «TAS-Komertsbank» 2006
To provide the monitoring of the information field, Finport Technologies professionals have introduced the information monitoring system “Web-Observer” to «TAS-Komertsbank». Now «TAS-Komertsbank» employees can promptly receive the information about everything concerning banking, thanks to monitoring of the current Internet resources (the list of such resources being previously formed as a special collating). The corresponding services can receive notifications in the real-time mode not only of the references/publications about the bank itself but the other important news of the Ukrainian and world financial market as well.
Savings Bank of Ukraine
Branch name:
New site for Oschadny Bank of Ukraine 9600
Oschadny Bank of Ukraine has obtained a modern communication tool - Finport Technologies professionals created a new Internet resource corresponding the spirit of the age and all the requirements established for similar developments.
New site www.oschadnybank.com provides the Internet users with the information about the Bank’s regional branches network and the location of its ATMs as well as all the Bank services both for private persons and companies. This resource helps to see the results of the Bank activity, to get to know the currency exchange rates and to download the annual reports. The site has much historical information and reference data – the Bank’s history, the answers to most common questions, encyclopedia of banking terms, various advices.
System of distance learning "Finport Training Systems" 2006
System of distance learning allows to use complex approach to the informatization of a learning process, personnel appraisal and certification, manage resources used for learning process in a flexible way, plan the learning process depending on the current personnel competence level, create “knowledge base”, as well as establish courses in different languages and receive statistics on learning and testing process.
Branch name:
Implementation of "Web-Observer" system 2006
The Public Corporation “State Export&Import Bank of Ukraine” (“Ukreximbank”) was founded on January 3, 1992 by the Decree of the President of Ukraine. 100% of “Ukreximbank” stock belongs to the State in the person of the Cabinet of Ministers. For many years the bank has been a part of the group of the biggest banks in Ukraine.
The corporate information monitoring system “Web-Observer” was implemented in “Ukreximbank”, Public Coorporation, to provide prompt monitoring of the information flows and timely reaction to the existing situation, and to create a common knowledge base for information support of decision-making.
The purpose of the developed technology is the automatic collection of unstructured data from open sources (Web-sites, e-mailing, mail, intracorporate documents, etc), bringing it to a common structure, granting structured information flows to the end-user, carrying out operations for processing data files created by the system, which provide for the business needs of the user.
Nadra Bank
Branch name:
Introduction of Finport Training Systems 2006
Distance learning system allows to use complex approach to the informatization of a learning process, personnel appraisal and certification, manage resources used for learning process in a flexible way, plan the learning process depending on the current personnel competence level, create “knowledge base”, as well as establish courses in different languages and receive statistics on learning and testing process.
Intracorporate portal for personnel of the bank “Nadra” 2005
One of the main functions of the corporate Intranet portal is the effective distribution of important information inside of bank and its quick entry from external sources. Users can check mail, view the current values of shares/rates/pars, find contact information on specialists from other departments, receive customer orders and others without leaving their workplaces.
HVB Bank
Branch name:
Developing for «HVB Bank Ukraine» 2006
Having a great experience in developing software by request, Finport Technologies professionals began to implement the next project for «HVB Bank Ukraine». The next development being worked out by Finport Technologies professionals for «HVB Bank Ukraine» is the information system «Borrower Forecasting». It is a software complex that allows automating the process of forecasting money flow and financial condition of the Bank clients. The information system «Borrower Forecasting» is to be put in test operation this year.
The system is intended for forming the money flow forecast, for forecast balance and forecast report on financial results, as well as for calculation of various financial rates, thanks to the analysis of which, the bank employees can evaluate the risks of the borrowers’ failure to return their credits.
Introduction of automated financial monitoring system "FinMonitor" 2006
The automated system of financial monitoring “FinMonitor” is meant for collecting, analyzing and storing of information about financial operations subjected to the compulsory internal finmonitoring. With this system the financial institutions can automate the work of profiled staff that takes measures on resistance to legalization (laundering) of incomes received in a criminal way.
Introduction of profitability calculation system for bank units "Finport Profitability Calculation" 2006
The information system Finport Profitability Calculation (FPC) is meant for automated estimation of bank performance. This method envisages the determination of competence centers in a bank structure and allocation of bank financial result between them as of the accounting period.
Реєстр електронних ключів для АКБ "ХФБ Україна" 2006
Інформаційна система «Реєстр електронних ключів» (Key Repository - KR) призначена для роботи з файлами відкритих ключів електронного цифрового підпису (ЕЦП), які було згенеровано у банку і файлами сертифікатами відкритих ключів, отриманих від Національного Банку України. Система дозволяє автоматизувати процес: ведення реєстру відкритих ключів ЕЦП адміністраторами захисту інформації Банку; створення архіву файлів відкритих ключів ЕЦП і файлів сертифікатів ключів ЕЦП; ведення, відновлення, проглядання таблиць відкритих ключів ЕЦП адміністраторами захисту інформації Банку, які використовують в своїй роботі систему захисту інформації НБУ, проводити пошук в таблицях відкритих ключів ЕЦП; надання сервісних функцій по роботі з відкритими ключами ЕЦП.
Introduction of Web-Observer system 2000
The system of collecting, storing and analyzing of information from different electronic sources “Web-Observer” was implemented in HVB Bank. The efficiency of this system can be observed in operational monitoring of information flow and timely responsivity on the current situation, as well as in the establishment of a single knowledge base and in information solution support.
Site of HVB Bank Ukraine 7200
Joint-Stock Commercial Bank “HVB Bank Ukraine” is constantly taking measures on the improvement of the intrabank system of financial monitoring an integral part of which is the automation of this process. Conclusion of a treaty with Finport Technologies Inc. on the development and introduction of the financial monitoring system FinMonitor became the next step to the improvement of bank financial monitoring.
The task of FinMonitor system is to collect, analyze and store information about financial operations liable to compulsory and internal financial monitoring. This system is the integration and logical advance of already existing financial monitoring system in banks.
The System has a wide range of functions: modern methods of clients identification, methods of compulsory internal monitoring in the System, information and monitoring system Web-Observer (of Finport Technologies Inc. development), system of distance learning (for education, testing and appraisal of personnel that relates to the financial monitoring process).
Khreshchatyk Bank
Branch name:
Site of OJSC Commercial Bank “Khreshchatyk” 2004
Internet system represents a customer - OJSC Commercial Bank “Khreshchatyk”
Branch name:
Implementation of "Web-Observer" system 2004
“Pravex-Bank” was founded in 1992. Today it takes the leading place in retail banking business. There are over 590 branches and 2700 points for consumers crediting in its structure.
Pravex-Bank does a lot of work analyzing and preventing possible unlawful acts, debugging confidential information leak channels, carrying out the researches to determine the risk factors in relationships with the customers and contractors.
The “Web-Observer” system was implemented in “Pravex-Bank” to provide prompt monitoring of the information flows and timely reaction to the existing situation, and to create a common knowledge base for information support of decision-making.
The system solves the following tasks: automatic collection of unstructured data from open sources (Web-sites, e-mailing, mail, intracorporate documents, etc), bringing it to a common structure, forming personal publication flow on professional subjects for each of the users, making reports on the needed subjects and converting the results into Word and Excel document formats.
"ProCredit Bank" Ukraine
Branch name:
Site for "ProCredit Bank" Ukraine 2004
The information system based on Web Logic Publishing enables clients to get all information about bank’s activities and services, to use deposit and currency calculators to choose an optimal way to deposit money without preliminary visits to bank for consultations.
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