Alphabetical order:
State Committee on Financial Monitoring
Branch name:
State bodies
Introduction of Web-Observer system 2004
The system of collecting, storing and analyzing of information from different electronic sources “Web-Observer” was implemented in the State Committee on Financial Monitoring. The efficiency of this system can be observed in operational monitoring of information flow and timely responsivity on the current situation, as well as in the establishment of a single knowledge base and in information solution support.
State Committee of Natural Resources
Branch name:
State bodies
Introduction of Web-Observer system 2004
The system of collecting, storing and analyzing of information from different electronic sources “Web-Observer” was implemented in the State Committee of Natural Resources of Ukraine. The efficiency of this system can be observed in operational monitoring of information flow and timely responsivity on the current situation, as well as in the establishment of a single knowledge base and in information solution support.
Dogmat Ukraine
Branch name:
Financial institutions
Site for the company "Dogmat Ukraine" 2005
Web-site of the company “Dogmat Ukraine” provides the visitors with the information on crediting systems, conditions of treaty conclusion, service maintenance of financial operations on consumer crediting.
Lactalis – Ukraine
Branch name:
International corporations
Corporate Web-Resource for company “Lactalis – Ukraine” 2000
“Lactalis – Ukraine” company is one of the three diary production leaders on the territory of Ukraine. The company deals with milk products making under “President”, “Bilosvit”, “Lactonia” TMs, and cheeses import under “President”, Sosiete and Galbani TMs.
“Finport Technologies” professionals have developed a Corporate Web-Resource for company “Lactalis – Ukraine” to obtain a web-resource which would present the company with its mission and ideas in the Internet at a high level, and which would grant a consumer and a potential buyer all the information about the company’s trade-marks.
The company’s site is clearly structured and contains the following information: full company presentation and the description of product making technique; full product catalog by brands (each brand having its sub-divisions: TM’s history, brand catalog, brand activities (information about different promotion campaigns, advertising, etc.)), company news, etc.
A great deal of attention was paid to the “Food, Health and Pleasure” section which contains: lots of data on health-giving milk products; a list of professionals’ recommendations and advices as to consumption of this or that food; a number of cooking recipes including the company’s products; glossary.
Express Bank
Branch name:
Site of JSCB “Express-bank” 2004
Internet system represents a customer - JCB “Express-bank”
Europe FM
Branch name:
Mass media
Site for Europe FM broadcasting station 2002
The main objectives of the website are stylish and functional design, information density, functionality, user friendliness, simple and quick updating of the Internet system by broadcasting station workers. All assigned tasks were successfully accomplished with the help of Web Logic Publishing system.
European Insurance Alliance
Branch name:
Insurance companies
Content and technical support of "European Insurance Alliance" site 2004
CLSC “European Insurance Alliance” is a member of the League of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine, Motobureau of Ukraine, Sea and Aviation Insurance Bureaus of Ukraine, Ukrainian P&L Pool, Nuclear Insurance Pool of Ukraine, Association of Insurers in the Agrarian Sector of Economy of Ukraine.
ЗАО «Атолл – Холдинг»
Branch name:
Automobile industry
Создание сайта ЗАО «Атолл – Холдинг» 2008
Управляющая компания группы ЗАО "Атолл Холдинг" создана в декабре 2000 года. В состав группы Атолл Холдинг входят предприятия по производству автомобилей, комплектующих и запасных частей; импорту и продаже автомобилей и мотоциклов; техническому обслуживанию автомобилей; лизингу, страхованию; а также строительные и инвестиционные проекты. В состав группы компаний Атолл Холдинг входит более 40 компаний, в их числе ЗАО «Еврокар», СК «Украинская страховая группа», компания «ЕвроЛизинг», ЗАО «Формула Мотор Украина» (импорт автомобилей Seat), компания «Випкар» (импорт автомобилей Bentley) и др. Для презентации основных направлений деятельности группы компаний «Атолл – Холдинг», продвижения услуг и продуктов компании, поддержания связи с существующими и потенциальными клиентами и партнерами с помощью сети Интеренет специалистами Компании Finport Technologies был разработан сайт Компании «Атолл – Холдинг». На сайте можно найти всю интересующую информацию о деятельности холдинга, о компаниях, которые входят в этот холдинг и их направлениях деятельности. Много внимания также было уделено пресс-центру сайта. Пресс-центр включает в себя: новости компании, новости рынка, пресс-релизы, раздел «СМИ о нас», фотогалерею. Разработка сайта осуществляется на базе ранее разработанного специалистами компании Finport Technologies собственного программного продукта – системы управления контентом «Web Logic Publishing». С помощью, которого информационное наполнение создаваемого сайта, как и его администрирование, не потребует в будущем от персонала никаких специальных знаний и навыков.
Press Agency "UNIAN"
Branch name:
Mass media
Joint project UNIAN-Monitor 1200
Interface of the information and monitoring system “UNIAN-Monitor”
Branch name:
Site of JSCB “Interbank” 7200
Potential and current clients of the bank can find detailed information about its activity and services provided, as well as use deposit calculator and currency converter to choose an optimal way to deposit money. Interbank Web-office is based on the content management system Web Logic Publishing developed by Finport Technologies.
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