Alphabetical order:
Parliamentary faction "Trudova Ukraina" (Labour Ukraine)
Branch name:
Site for the faction "Trudova Ukraina" (Labour Ukraine) 400
On the official web-site of “Trudova Ukraina” (Labor Ukraine) visitors can view the faction composition, official program of its activity, draft laws prepared by the faction, biographies of deputies, their legislative initiatives, deputy requests, speeches and publications.
Pension Fund of Ukraine
Branch name:
State bodies
Internet newspaper "Pension Courier" 2005
Internet version of the newspaper “Pensiynyi kuryer” (Pension Courier) was developed.
Internet magazine "Bulletin of the Pension Fund of Ukraine" 2005
Internet version of the magazine “Bulletin of the Pension Fund of UKraine" was developed.
Site for the Training Center of the Pension Fund of Ukraine 2005
The site for the Training Center of the Pension Fund of Ukraine was developed.
Branch name:
Production and Industry
Portal of the company "Yutem" 2006
One of the main functions of the corporate Intranet-portal is the effective distribution of important information inside of bank and its quick entry from external sources. Users can check mail, find contact information on specialists from other departments, receive customer orders and others without leaving their workplaces.
Corporate web-site of the company "Yutem" 2006
Corporate web-site of the company "Yutem"
Project "YES"
Branch name:
Public organizations
Project of International initiative in support of the Ukrainian EU entry 2005
Internet resource contains the information about past and planned initiatives of the EU, board and mission of the organization, collection of information from press about the EU and others.
Project "Anti-AIDS"
Branch name:
Public organizations
Site for "Anti-AIDS" project for the Ukrainian fund on HIV and AIDS 2004
Information resource of the project “Fight with HIV/AIDS epidemic in Ukraine” (http://www.aіds.gov.ua/) is ordered by the Ukrainian Fund on HIV and AIDS. The project is meant for a wide range of people – from representatives of organizations engaging in HIV/AIDS problem solution, charity funds, doctors, journalists to ordinary citizens.
Insurance Company "Blakytnyi polis"
Branch name:
Insurance companies
Introduction of automated system "Finport Life Insurance" 2005
The information system "Fіnport Lіfe Іnsurance" is an instrument not only for the intensification of managerial efficiency of an insurance company but also for establishment of new competitive advantages. The system allows to increase the business transparency for managers, improve company control, provide data exchange with affiliates, as well as analyze financial results of the company. By using the information system, the insurance company responds to the market changes much faster with creating and analyzing new insurance products.
Insurance company "Illichivska"
Branch name:
Insurance companies
Site for IC "Illichivska" 2006
Web-site of Insurance Company "Illichivska"
Страхова компанія "Планета страхування"
Branch name:
Insurance companies
Внедрение системы автоматизации деятельности страховых компаний "Finport Life Insurance" 2007
Страховая компания «Планета Страхования» - предлагает своим клиентам профессиональную помощь в решении проблем в области страхования жизни.
Для автоматизации процессов деятельности компании в части ведения страховой деятельности, а именно ведения учета клиентов, договоров страхования, страховых премий (взносов), страховых выплат, формирования отчетности и задавания алгоритмов актуарных расчетов в страховой компании «Планета Страхования» была введена информационная система «Finport Life Insurance» разработанная компанией «Finport Technologies».
Помимо базовых модулей в систему "Finport Life Insurance" был внедрен дополнительный модуль - учета посреднической деятельности (агентской сети), который позволяет учитывать агентов, агентские договора и производить расчеты комиссии и единиц (балов) агента по договорам страхования согласно плану карьеры, а также позволяет вводить информацию по самим договорам страхования.
Branch name:
«Web-Observer» System Applied In «TAS-Komertsbank» 2006
To provide the monitoring of the information field, Finport Technologies professionals have introduced the information monitoring system “Web-Observer” to «TAS-Komertsbank». Now «TAS-Komertsbank» employees can promptly receive the information about everything concerning banking, thanks to monitoring of the current Internet resources (the list of such resources being previously formed as a special collating). The corresponding services can receive notifications in the real-time mode not only of the references/publications about the bank itself but the other important news of the Ukrainian and world financial market as well.
LLC "NPF Administrator MAXstimul"
Branch name:
NPF Administrator
Introduction of "NPF Administrator" system 2004
The system is meant for the automated individual record of participants of non-governmental pension funds. The system allows keeping a record of all fund participants, all operations, simplifies the work with data, their storing, provides the reliability and validity of data, allows to receive required reports and analytical information.
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